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Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Nicole A Vincent's research is funded by more than $1 million of external grants. She has published 40 peer reviewed articles, delivered 90 academic talks, and organised 19 conferences. She talks regularly about her work on television and radio – as well as in a wide range of other public contexts – so that her research remains influenced by and useful to society. In 2014, for example, she gave a TEDxSydney talk at the Sydney Opera House on the ethics of “smart drugs”. Dr Vincent’s research is eclectic and spans neuroethics, neurolaw, bioethics, philosophy of law, philosophy and ethics of emerging technologies, political philosophy, public policy, media, feminism, gender, and happiness. Her work has been cited in the Supreme Court of the United States of America, she spearheaded the development of the Australian Neurolaw Database (the only open access resource of its kind in the world), and her book "Neuroscience and Criminal Responsibility" (OUP) is a core reference work on the topic of neurolaw. She reviews articles and grant applications for a range of scholarly journals and funding bodies, and serves on the neuroethics sub-panel of the Australian Brain Alliance as well as the EMCR Brain Science Network Steering Committee. She holds concurrent appointments at University of Technology Sydney (Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation) and at Macquarie University (Affiliate Member of the Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics, steering the development of the Australian Neurolaw Database, and Honorary Fellow in the Department of Philosophy, teaching an upper level seminar on neurolaw). Dr Vincent also heads up NeurolawAU, a consultancy that provides expert advice, research, education, as well as workshop/seminar/conference organisation, to allied legal and health professionals in private practice, government, and tertiary education sectors.


  • 2014–present
    Research Affiliate, Macquarie University
  • 2017–present
    Senior Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney
  • 2013–2016
    Associate Professor of Philosophy, Law, and Neuroscience, Georgia State University
  • 2011–2015
    Chief Investigator, Enhancing Responsibility Project, TU Delft
  • 2011–2013
    Research Fellow, Macquarie University
  • 2007–2011
    Postdoctoral Researcher, TU Delft
  • 1999–2007
    PhD Student, University of Adelaide
  • 2006–2006
    Lecturer, University of Auckland
  • 1993–1998
    Undergraduate Student, La Trobe University
  • 1994–1994
    Undergraduate Student, University of New South Wales