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Articles on Higher education

Displaying 81 - 100 of 1302 articles

Participants at Harvard marching at a rally protesting the Supreme Court’s ruling against affirmative action on July 1, 2023. Ziyu Julian Zhu/Xinhua via Getty Images

Ending affirmative action does nothing to end discrimination against Asian Americans

In their lawsuits against affirmative action, Students For Fair Admission claimed to want to protect Asian Americans. A law professor explains why the Supreme Court ruling doesn’t achieve that goal.
Affirmative action for college students in Brazil led to better employment prospects for those who benefited from the policy. Cesar Okada via Getty Images

What the US can learn from affirmative action at universities in Brazil

Research has found that race-neutral policies were not enough to achieve diversity in Brazil’s higher education system. Three scholars probe what that means for the United States.
Critics of legacy admissions argue they maintain racial hierarchies that disproportionately benefit white students. YinYang/iStock via Getty Images

Support for legacy admissions is rooted in racial hierarchy

Some colleges grant preferential treatment in the admission process to children of alumni. A researcher examines what’s behind people’s support for the practice.
There are more black African academic staff at South African universities than before. PeopleImages/Getty Images

South African universities must do more to tackle staffs’ race and gender imbalances

Despite some positive shifts, the staffing situation at public higher education institutions remains polarised in terms of race and gender.
A person protests outside of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., on June 29, 2023. AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Military academies can still consider race in admissions, but the rest of the nation’s colleges and universities cannot, court rules

Three legal experts weigh in on what the Supreme Court’s ban on race in college admissions means for students, colleges and universities, and the nation’s future.

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