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Public health – Analysis and Comment

People who unexpectedly lose a loved should be identified early enough and appropriately counselled. Mohammad Ponir Hossain/Reuters.

What can be done to improve treatment for PTSD after a loss

The unexpected death of a loved one is a traumatic experience. It’s important to identify high risk individuals to provide counselling and social support.
People in Canada and around the world are living longer thanks to public health and modern medicine. It’s time to treat aging as an asset, not a process of decline. (Shutterstock)

It’s time to treat aging as an asset, not a burden

The population is aging in Canada and around the world. It’s time to focus our attentions on optimal aging instead of grimly tallying the burdens of growing old.
Wildfire creates an orange glow in a view from a hilltop Oct. 13, 2017, in Geyserville, California. AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Wildfire smoke and health: 5 questions answered

Wildfires in California have triggered a public health emergency. One threat is smoke inhalation: Some air readings have registered pollution levels comparable to bad air days in Beijing or Mumbai.
The Monkeypox virus was isolated most recently in 2012 from a dead infant mangabey (species of monkey) in Ivory Coast. Shutterstock

Monkeypox has resurfaced in Nigeria. What you need to know

A disease suspected to be monkeypox is on the rampage in Nigeria. In less than one month, it has spread to seven of the country’s 36 states and infected 31 people.
Staying physically active can play a big part in ageing well – and a well-designed neighbourhood helps with that. Maylat/shutterstock

Eight simple changes to our neighbourhoods can help us age well

Our ageing population presents several social and economic challenges, particularly for the health sector. Physical activity can tackle many of these.
Presidents Issoufou, Yayi, Deby and Buhari at a meeting of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the body in charge of the lake replenishment project REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde

The attempt to replenish Lake Chad’s water may fail again. Here’s why

The transnational project conceived 30 years ago to replenish the drying waters of Lake Chad finally seems poised to take off. But first, internal politics within member states must be overcome.
Immediate cash incentives have been shown to be more effective in helping people quit, and cost us less in the long-run. Sajjad Zabihi/Unsplash

Why we should pay people to stop smoking

Studies have found paying people to quit is more effective than other methods, so why are we not considering it in Australia?
Awareness and knowledge about rabies at a local level is key. This can help prevent bites and encourage people to get post-exposure treatment. Sarah Cleaveland

How to end human deaths from rabies: lessons from Kenya

The strategy to eliminate human rabies is straight forward: vaccinate dogs, provide prompt post-exposure vaccines, public education and awareness on prevention.
A woman takes an oral cholera vaccine in a hospital. But cholera vaccines are not always effective and never long lasting. REUTERS/Andres Martinez Casares

What’s driving multiple outbreaks of cholera in Nigeria

Many states in Nigeria are reeling from cholera outbreaks. They need better health and sanitation infrastructure to disrupt transmission of the bacteria which cause the disease.
Media reports failed to mention limits to evidence in new guidelines about sitting and moving at work, and missed commercial interests that were initially not disclosed. Kennyrhoads/Wikimedia Commons

How the media oversold standing desks as a fix for inactivity at work

Here’s how reporting of the world’s first specific advice on reducing inactivity at work has overplayed the role of standing desks.