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Articles on The Sun

Displaying 41 - 60 of 67 articles

But wait – he’s got a beard! Lynne Cameron / PA Wire/Press Association Images

Song remains the same for UK papers when it comes to Labour leadership

It’s increasingly apparent that the Labour Party is muddling through a period of existential crisis. This week’s welfare bill debacle, where 48 MPs wilfully defied the interim leadership’s call for abstention…
Morning after: how the nationals covered the election. Paperboy

Election coverage: sweet victory or a new low for UK press?

So that’s that, then. The pollsters got it wildly wrong and the UK did not wake up on Friday to endless debates about coalitions, minority governments and who would deal with whom. Instead a startled “national…
Under Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish National Party has swept Scotland at Labour’s expense. Scottish Sun

An all-yellow north, bluer in south, and UK politics could get nasty

The Murdoch press strategy of supporting the Conservatives in England and the SNP in Scotland reflected a common interest in denying Labour government in the UK election.
It’ll come down to politics in the end. jeedlove

Here comes the sun: explosion in solar power beckons

Is solar power the technology of the future? It is certainly the fastest-growing energy generation technology in the UK. By the early 2020s, according to a new report, it will be cost-competitive with…

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