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Articles on Zimbabwe

Displaying 201 - 220 of 323 articles

Zimbabwe opposition Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai addressing a crowd outside parliament in Harare last year. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Zimbabwe’s Morgan Tsvangirai: heroic herald of an epoch foretold

But for ZANU-PF’s coercion, Tsvangirai could well have ushered in a democratic era in Zimbabwe as the country’s second president.
Introducing rural and indigenous communities to science, through experiments and communication, is vital. Felipe Figueira

Indigenous languages must feature more in science communication

The combination of knowledge and communication, along with a few other fundamental conditions such as liberty and respect , leads to social, cultural and technological development.
A strong judiciary isn’t enough to keep democracy in place. Kenya’s Supreme Court decision nullifying the re-election of Uhuru Kenyatta is a case in point. Reuters/Baz Ratner

A year of illusions: five things we learnt about democracy in Africa in 2017

The past 12 months provided further evidence of the danger of democratic backsliding in Africa. But it also saw powerful presidents suffer embarrassing setbacks in a number of countries.
South Africa’s governing African National Congress has begun the process of choosing its leaders. EPA-EFE/Kim Ludrick

Snags that could cast doubt on ANC’s choice of new leaders

The ANC’s elective conference is important for the party and South Africa. This is because the person chosen to lead the governing party since 1994, has gone on to become president.
Zimbabwe’s Defence Force has taken control of the country’s political affairs. Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

After Mugabe: why the role of Zimbabwe’s army can’t be trusted

By intervening in Zimbabwe’s politics the military could plunge the country into a prolonged period of uncertainty. Could President Emmerson Mnangagwa be its saviour?

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