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Articles on Zimbabwe

Displaying 261 - 280 of 323 articles

Children play alongside stagnant water and rubbish in Lagos, Nigeria. George Esiri/Reuters

Africa’s health won’t improve without reliable data and collaboration

Africa battles with a dearth of data and seems unable to scale up health innovations. If these can be systematically addressed, the continent can take great strides towards better health for all.
Former Chadian leader Hissene Habre being escorted in to stand trial at the Palais de Justice in Dakar, Senegal in 2015. He was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison in 2016 by judges of the Extraordinary African Chambers for crimes against humanity, rape, sexual slavery. EPA/Stringer

Beyond the ICC crisis: is there an alternative path for Africa?

There are fears that the withdrawal of countries from the ICC would mark the end of international criminal justice in Africa. This need not be the case.
Presidents Jacob Zuma and Uhuru Kenyatta. Their countries are at the forefront of efforts to have Africa leave the ICC. GCIS

Exiting the ICC: South Africa betrays the world and its own history

Ironically the campaign to withdraw from the ICC was mainly initiated by the very same governments and heads of state that had earlier referred cases to the ICC when it suited their own interests.
The charred interior of the Gabon’s parliament after it was burned in post-election protests in Libreville. Edward McAllister/Reuters

African citizens have very low levels of trust in how elections are run

National electoral commissions are crucial in shaping public perceptions of how well democracy is working. Poor electoral management can enable fraud and produce political alienation.
President of Botswana Ian Khama. He leads a country that’s lost the shine created by his father Seretse Khama. EPA/Alejandro Ernesto

Botswana at 50: The end of an African success story?

For a global audience, the movie ‘A United Kingdom’ provides a topical account of race relations. The love story is likely to revitalize the popular viewpoint of Botswana as a national success story.
Dehorning is practised on many South African private reserves and is seen as a way of deterring poachers. Keith Somerville

Dehorning rhinos: why there may be a case for doing it

A few national parks and reserves want to dehorn rhinos and there is a lobby for a regulated and closely monitored legal trade in rhino horn. But this is met by opposition from many.
Climate change and the current El Niño have left Africans more vulnerable than ever to hunger. Philimon Bulawayo/Reuters

Investing in science can help put food on Africa’s plates

Economic growth alone won’t end hunger. Good policies and programmes are needed, too. Scientists and researchers have a role to play in these initiatives.

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