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Articles on Citizen science

Displaying 141 - 160 of 172 articles

All that computer power will still need a helping hand from our uniquely human expertise. Computers image via

Beyond today’s crowdsourced science to tomorrow’s citizen science cyborgs

Computers are getting better and better at the jobs that previously made sense for researchers to outsource to citizen scientists. But don’t worry: there’s still a role for people in these projects.
Can a galaxy (like NGC 3810 in this case) have a classical spiral structure and also be already dead? ESA/Hubble and NASA

Is our Milky Way galaxy a zombie, already dead and we don’t know it?

Extragalactic astrophysicists want to know how and why galaxies stop forming stars, change their shape and fade away. With help from citizen scientists, they’re figuring it out.
Flint, Michigan residents couldn’t get answers about their water – so they did their own research. Laura Nawrocik

Can citizen science empower disenfranchised communities?

A new model of citizen-led science is emerging – as in the case of Flint, Michigan’s poisoned water. Rather than simply supporting scientists, citizens ask their own questions and set the research agenda.
There are so many galaxies, you can write with them!

Citizen scientists discover what’s out there

It’s National Science Week and this year the annual citizen science project run by ABC Science is astronomy-themed. No guesses for knowing that I’m excited about that! It’s also a nod to 2015 being the…
Despite the high concentration of sharks in Cocos, some species have declined in number – a signal on the effectiveness of marine preserves. Genna Marie Robustelli

Shark-counting divers off Costa Rica reveal limits of marine reserves

Divers at the famed Cocos site off Costa Rica record declines in a number of shark species – a sign that marine preserves are limited protection against illegal fishing.
Sometimes you don’t need a measuring stick to come up with an assessment: really, really deep. katorisi

Where do those snowfall totals on the news come from?

It’s really hard to measure snowfall accurately. The National Weather Service relies on more than 8,000 volunteers with rulers.
Mountain Pygmy Possum numbers are declining due to environmental changes, including earlier snow melt. AAP/Tim Arch/DSE

Early birds: how climate change is shifting time for animals and plants

Every Spring, the blanket of Australian alpine snow starts to melt, and the Mountain Pygmy Possum wakes up from its seven-month-long hibernation. Naturally after so long under the snow, its first thought…
The stars over Tidal River in Wilsons Promontory, Victoria. Alex Cherney

The Great World Wide Star Count

How many stars can you see at night? Right now people all over the world are being asked to go out and count them! It’s part of a dark-sky awareness campaign that’s been held each October for the past…
In the name of science…let’s play. sapromo

Addictive online games make citizen science a hit

A few days ago, I was an astrophysicist and contributed to a research project by organising sunspot images in order of complexity. After I’d had enough of that, I became a biochemist and worked late into…

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