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Articles on Citizen science

Displaying 101 - 120 of 172 articles

Mueller came to Australia in the mid 19th century - and gave women a rare opportunity to be involved in science. state_library_south_australia/flickr

How a German migrant planted citizen science in Australia – and why it worked

We often focus on the “science” part of citizen science. The “citizen” is important as well. It reminds us that we are part of something greater than ourselves, with a duty to generations to come.
In the Global Biodiversity Information Facility there are 682,447 records of human encounters with dandelions. from

AI is learning from our encounters with nature – and that’s a concern

Does big data threaten how humans explore the natural world? We need to protect our impulses to observe, compare, play, discover and love, no matter what technological capabilities are available.
Soil has many secrets: technology can help reveal its mysteries. Martin Bridgen

Open soil science: technology is helping us discover the mysteries under our feet

Mapping the soil with open source application is vital to understanding how to protect it.

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