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Articles on Doctors

Displaying 21 - 40 of 192 articles

Canada has a shortage of doctors. That’s why making it difficult for internationally trained doctors to practise here is so mystifying. (Francisco Venancio, Unsplash)

Why is Canada snubbing internationally trained doctors during a health-care crisis?

Canada is sidelining qualified doctors while many Canadians struggle to find health care. Here’s what we can and must do better for internationally trained physicians.
Former Saskatchewan Premier and national New Democratic Party leader T.C. (Tommy) Douglas in 1965. Douglas was instrumental in the creation of Medicare. The Canadian Press

Looking forward into the past: Lessons for the future of Medicare on its 60th anniversary

At the dawn of Medicare, Saskatchewan’s community co-op clinics pioneered team-based, holistic care. Now, with the health system in crisis 60 years later, it may be time to return to that care model.
Gender-diverse adults have a harder time getting effective primary and preventive health care than their nontransgender counterparts. Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Doctors often aren’t trained on the preventive health care needs of gender-diverse people – as a result, many patients don’t get the care they need

From primary care to cancer screening and insurance coverage, gender-diverse people still face many hurdles to getting good medical care.
Building safer workplaces requires leaders who understand how years of resource constraints, unhealthy work environments, abuse from patients and a pandemic have contributed to overwhelming burnout and job dissatisfaction among workers. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

How health-care leaders can foster psychologically safer workplaces

The future of our health system depends on recruiting and retaining passionate and highly skilled health-care workers. It’s essential to build work environments where they feel supported and safe.
Until the government acknowledges the critical role family physicians have in population health and on easing the burden on acute hospital care, pressures will only be relieved temporarily. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

With family doctors heading for the exits, addressing the crisis in primary care is key to easing pressure on emergency rooms

A strong primary care system keeps patients away from emergency departments and helps patients self-manage illnesses. But Ontario’s plan to ease pressure on emergency rooms ignores family medicine.
Very few medical societies have public policies about how to deal with their interactions with companies. (Shutterstock)

Medical societies and health-care companies may be too close for comfort

Voluntary medical societies have important roles in professional education and advocacy for doctors and patients, but there is need for transparency about relationships with pharma and health industry.
Police officers speak to a health-care professional outside the emergency department at Toronto General Hospital during a protest against COVID-19 measures in September 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young 

Patient aggression and physician burnout: The makings of a human resources crisis in health care

Although demanding, disruptive and violent patients are a major contributor to physician burnout, solutions to address this increasing problem are not a priority.
In addition to patient care, many doctors also have heavy administrative burdens, including insurance company requests and government forms that advocate for their patients’ needs, as well as all the challenges of running an office. (Shutterstock)

The doctor won’t see you now: Why access to care is in critical condition

Less than half of Canadians can see their doctor same-day, and millions don’t even have a family doctor. Improving access to care means providing doctors with the support they need to focus on patients.
Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, an Ottawa family doctor who hosted several pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics, speaks in Ottawa in August 2021 during JabaPalooza, a rally calling on Ontario to adopt a provincial COVID-19 vaccine mandate. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

How regulatory agencies, not the courts, are imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates

The decisions of medical health-care professionals like doctors and nurse practitioners are more legally significant than ever before since they are determining vaccination exemptions.

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