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Articles on Economics

Displaying 401 - 420 of 667 articles

Many other businesses are already involved in OBOR, albeit with a cautious approach. Guang Niu/Reuters

Australia risks missing out on China’s One Belt One Road

Australia has so far declined China’s offer to formally link the Northern Australia project to OBOR. But it risks losing out on trade and investment if the government doesn’t take a stronger approach.
Because the threshold for the Medicare levy exemption is based on family income, the reform will reinforce the move towards higher effective tax rates on low income second earners in a family. Joe Castro/AAP

Shifting the tax burden to middle-income earners will undermine jobs and growth

With its recent budget changes, the government is proposing a rise in marginal tax rates across a wide band of middle incomes and a marginal tax rate cut for the top.
The treasurer referred to the A$13 billion “zombie” measures the Senate has failed to pass as a “Senate tax”, in justifying the tax increases in this budget. Lukas Coch

Budget 2017: bank populism will be paid for by Australians

The budget was extraordinary in many ways. It is an abandonment of restraint on taxes by a liberal government. It is nakedly populist and it also acknowledges that government debt can be productive.
With the 2017 Federal Budget release fast approaching, take a look back at the spending patterns of previous Australian governments. Lukas Coch/Alan Porritt/Dean Lewins/AAP

Government spending explained in 10 charts; from Howard to Turnbull

Total government spending has increased over time. But the pressure on the budget under a Turnbull government is more acute now than ever before, because spending is outpacing revenue.
The poll asked whether forecasting for the budget should be taken away from Treasury and be given to another independent agency. Lukas Coch/AAP

Leave budget forecasting to Treasury: economists

Polled economists say another independent body wouldn’t necessairly do a better job of economic forecasting for the budget than Treasury.
If wages just grow at the rate of the last 12 months, rather than at the higher growth in the budget forecasts, income tax collections will be A$7 billion less for 2019-20. Joel Carrett/AAP

Why biased budget forecasts make poor politics

Wonky forecasts show it’s time for a new approach that adopts more conservative forecasts, and makes a genuine commitment to budget repair.
Many of the economists argued that the principle of the CGT discount is not a bad policy, however the level of the discount is generous and is open for abuse. Lukas Coch/AAP

Capital gains tax concession is too generous: economists poll

The Economics Society of Australia (ESA) Monash Forum polled economists on whether capital gains tax deductions for housing investment should be removed.

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