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Articles on Economics

Displaying 381 - 400 of 667 articles

Costs of transportation and accessibility are just two factors that increase cost of living for persons with disabilities. Corepics VOF/

The hidden extra costs of living with a disability

Depending on where you live, having a disability can cost thousands of additional dollars per year. Government programs often don’t account for that.
Inflation has been doggedly low, so it’s not clear that the 2.5% expectation for inflation is going to turn out to be right. Dan Peled/AAP

Vital Signs: the RBA’s still longing for Goldilocks growth

This week’s strong growth in full-time employment shows a robust labour market. This only deepens the puzzle of why inflation is so low at the same time.
Stable food prices are a central issue for South Africa’s Reserve Bank. But should it be doing more to protect the poor? Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

South Africa needs a sensible debate about its Reserve Bank. Here’s a start

There’s a raging debate in South Africa about the role of its central bank. This is inevitable given that so much is changing in the world of central banking and in economic life.
With slow wages growth it is hard for household to “delever” themselves. Paul Miller/AAP

Vital Signs: the RBA was right to keep rates on hold

The amount of Australians in mortgage stress is the reason why wages growth and the labour market are such a problem - and a big reason for the RBA not to raise rates any time soon.
The G20 displayed unprecedented global economic leadership in the past. That leadership is needed again today. Hannibal Hanschke/Reuters

The G20’s economic leadership deficit

The G20 has stopped showing economic leadership at a time when risks are high. Australia can play a role in addressing this.
Unexpected increases in housing prices could have caused buyers considering home ownership to borrow more in order to buy a house, and encouraged homeowners to spend more through withdrawing the equity from their homes. Dan Peled/AAP

Australians are working longer so they can pay off their mortgage debt

Research finds higher levels of housing debt among pre-retirees are linked to them working for longer.
Slow but steady decline in home ownership continues as 23.6% of all Australian households now rent privately. David Gray/Reuters

Home ownership remains strong in Australia but it masks other problems: Census data

The latest 2016 Census data assesses what the national home ownership and rental rates are and how these vary location. It also gives us a picture of mortgage and rental costs.
Be careful! In Uttar Pradesh, the cow trade is now almost wholly criminalised. Jitendra Prakash/Reuters

‘Cow economics’ are killing India’s working class

A crackdown on the beef and leather trades has put hundreds of thousands of Indian Muslims and Dalits out of work, vexing already-tense religious relations and hurting India’s economy.

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