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Articles on Economics

Displaying 421 - 440 of 667 articles

Despite all the proposals to combat housing affordability, Scott Morrison will need to make hard political decisions on policies that will actually make a difference. Lukas Coch/AAP

The latest ideas to use super to buy homes are still bad ideas

The latest thought bubbles about using super savings for housing might be less harmful than in the past, but they would be just as ineffective.
Generation X and Y are equally, if not more aggressive than baby boomers when investing in property. Chris Devers/Flickr

Business Briefing: how the attitudes of the next generation are changing the property market

Business Briefing: how the attitudes of the next generation are changing the property market The Conversation18.5 MB (download)
There's been a shift in attitudes to the property market over generations, from owning a home as a right, to owning a home as a commodity.
The Statue of Liberty has been a welcoming sight for immigrants for decades. Susan Ragan/AP Photo

Want a stronger economy? Give immigrants a warm welcome

Trump’s plans to build a wall with Mexico and deport millions of people in the US illegally cast immigrants as an economic threat to Americans. The evidence suggests otherwise.
Australian voters rejected carbon taxation. But some US conservatives are now embracing it. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Tax and dividend: how conservatives can grow to love carbon pricing

Taxing carbon has always been a tricky political sell for conservatives. But a group of establishment US Republicans is touting the idea of a carbon “tax and dividend” as a way to break the deadlock.
California Gov. Jerry Brown signs SB350 on Oct. 7, 2015. The bill calls for increasing the state’s renewable electricity use to 50 percent and doubling energy efficiency in existing buildings by 2030. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

Will blazing a low-carbon path pay off for California?

California has set ambitious goals for cutting carbon emissions and shifting to a clean energy economy. How will this strategy affect the state’s huge economy? An economist weighs the evidence.
IMF leaders should practise what they preach when it comes to inequality. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

The IMF is showing some hypocrisy on inequality

The IMF has been expressing public concern about inequality since 2010, but this has not translated into concrete action within the IMF’s own policies and programs.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull used part of his address to the national press club to sell the company tax cut. Mick Tsikas/AAP

What economists and tax experts think of the company tax cut

The federal government is still trying to convince senate crossbenchers to pass a company tax cut but tax experts and economists dispute all of its supposed benefits.
The threat of the closure of Arrium’s steelworks in the SA town of Whyalla is just one of many that could disrupt the state’s economy. Mick Tsikas/AAP

The search for an economic solution for South Australia

South Australia is facing a whole range of social and economic problems that are forming the perfect storm.
Modern monetary theorists aren’t concerned with budget repair. Joel Carrett/AAP

Explainer: what is modern monetary theory?

Modern monetary theory is gaining traction in a global economic environment that defies the efforts of policymakers to restore growth.

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