Elections in Kenya are never just a matter of casting ballots. Historically, they have been marred by ethno-political violence, exacerbated by vigilantes and militias deployed by politicians.
The discourse and structure of online learning can exclude English language minority students. Techniques such as video chats, “safe houses” and content-focused grading can support their success.
While Kenya’s political leaders often adopt a populist approach to politics, it’s not unimaginable that the courts could also pursue a populist path by claiming to speak for the people.
One way to diffuse the tension when Kenyans choose a head of state is to take that decision out of their hands. This could help achieve ethnic cohesion.
Nine out of 10 rural places experienced increases in diversity from 1990 to 2010. Data show a more diverse future is guaranteed across all of America, and there’s no going back.
It comes as no surprise that nationhood in Uganda is still an elusive idea. Many people associate with their ethnic groups more affectionately than with their country.
Australia was designed at Federation to ensure nationals of British descent would be able to create a society populated by individuals as much like themselves as possible.
Wrestling is Senegal’s national sport. But the presence of an ethnic discourse within the sporting arena may well threaten the notion of the multi-ethnic nation state.
Lecturer, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Research Director Annenberg Institute of Sports, Media and Society, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism