While there has been talk of a “religious vote” or an “ethnic vote” holding sway at this election, particularly in Sydney’s western suburbs, new research does not bear that out.
Australia is becoming more diverse, but these charts show we are still predominantly an Anglo society with strained relations with other cultures, particularly Indigenous and Muslim Australians.
As recent events show, we might get better media reporting if journalists questioned authorities more closely on the relevance of ethnicity and religion in crime reporting.
Star Trek’s groundbreaking interracial kiss between Kirk and Uhura was 50 years ago today – how have public attitudes to interracial and interethnic relationships changed in the years since?
The results of genetic ancestry tests are grossly over-simplified. A new study shows the tests reinforce what you want to believe rather than offering objective, scientific proof of who you are.
Diversity is an enormously appealing and powerful concept, yet it can also distract us from the focus we need to face today’s pressing social issues. So what’s the way forward?
The upcoming census, like many before it, will boil complex information on race, ethnicity and ancestry into just two questions. That leaves a lot of important information out of the data.
Lecturer, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Research Director Annenberg Institute of Sports, Media and Society, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism