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Articles on Gender diversity

Displaying 81 - 87 of 87 articles

Sixties style - Mad Men characters Roger Sterling and Don Draper still show men how it’s done in business and politics. AAP

Men at the helm – mad, bad and dangerous to know

Labor may have “ditched the witch”, but does the ejection of Julia Gillard from her seat of power close the book on the debate about sexism that she championed and the role of women in leadership? Our…
Round of golf after lunch, chaps? The 9th Aircraft Engineering Research Conference, 1934. NASA

Women’s contribution to science goes unheard

Even today there are few women graduate students and even fewer women academics, especially in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and maths). Why is this the case, even in 2013, and what…
Civilians rescue an injured worker after the eight-storey Rana Plaza garment factory collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on April 24. AAP

Mind the gap: company disclosure discrepancies not sustainable

The recent decision by two Australian retailers to sign an accord protecting suppliers in Bangladesh has highlighted discrepancies in company disclosure of sustainability issues and the need for clearer…
The demarcation of the population into male and female effectively excludes everyone who falls outside those boundaries. Frozen Coffee/Flickr

Health services not reaching sex and gender diverse people

“Sex and gender diverse” is the umbrella term for a highly disparate, largely invisible and neglected group of people. The experiences of these people challenge the popular view that all people live in…
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has spearheaded global push to increase women’s participation in public and corporate life. AAP

Confronting gender inequality beyond quotas

Pressure is mounting globally for women’s equal participation in corporate and public life. As of March 2012, women made up only 3.2% of presidents and chairmen and 13.7% of board seats in European companies…
There may be no causal correlation between a board’s gender diversity and firm performance, but greater female participation does have its benefits. Image from

Sorry, but there’s no business case for gender quotas

There’s support across the globe for increased female participation at leadership levels. In Norway, it’s a legislative requirement that at least 40% of the board members of listed companies are women…

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