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Articles on Morals

Displaying 21 - 40 of 44 articles

Beauty can mean more opportunities – but can it also influence values? Nataliass/

How being beautiful influences your attitudes toward sex

Beautiful people tend to lead more charmed lives. Could their attractiveness also color their views on issues like abortion, premarital sex and gay marriage?
A man adds his comments to a spontaneous memorial of flowers and sidewalk writing that has appeared a block from the Tree of Life Synagogue on Monday, Oct. 29. A gunman shot a killed 11 people while they worshipped at the synagogue the Saturday before. Gene J. Puskar/AP Photo

Educators must challenge the politics of evil

To grasp how extraordinary evils are often committed by ordinary people, we need to consider how we define evil, and most importantly, whom we consider to be the agents of evil.
‘I helped my neighbour move yesterday - you can’t rescue everyone.’

How we use good deeds to justify immoral behaviour

Think you are a moral person? Research shows that we are often prone to act immorally when we think we’re moral.
Each year many people cheat on their taxes. Pictures of Money

How to stay honest this tax season

While people often want to cheat in certain cases if it would benefit them, they also want to think of themselves as honest. Here are three steps to stay honest while filing taxes.
Pause and reflect on what really makes wilderness valuable. John O'Neill/Wikimedia Commons

The moral value of wilderness

Imagine being one of the last few people alive. Would that make it ok to destroy the natural world? This thought experiment reveals the true value of nature, beyond the benefits to humans.
One day we could have an intelligent robot cook up surprise meals at home. Besjunior/Shutterstock

We need robots that can improvise, but it’s not easy to teach them right from wrong

Robots have already learned to cheat when playing games. How do we teach them morals if we want them more involved in our everyday lives?
A blueprint for ISIS – and for a video game? Camp Bucca, Iraq. Atef Hassan/Reuters

Playing at torture, a not so trivial pursuit

Does including torture or other human rights violations in video games trivialize the actions? Or might it force us to think more critically about them?
Parents are often concerned about the effects of social media on their children’s character. Monkey Business Images/Shuttertock

Is social media messing with children’s morals?

The majority of parents in the UK believe social media harms their children’s moral development.
A makeshift shrine to Harambe, the zoo gorilla whose death has raised some uncomfortable moral questions. William Philpott/Reuters

How do we weigh the moral value of human lives against animal ones?

We tend instinctively to value human lives over non-human ones. But is there a point where the scales might tip the other way?

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