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From the Editors

Displaying 481 - 487 of 487 articles

Election 2013

So is this the most important election, ever? Here at The Conversation the answer is yes. After all, it’s our first. But it could also be one of the most important for Australian politics. Think of where…

The Conversation Leader Board

We’re often asked which articles are most read on The Conversation and the topics most popular with our readers. Here’s a look behind the scenes at what’s worked best since our launch in March 2011 up…

Who funds The Conversation?

Updated June 2015 Why do we disclose that this university does not contribute? Because The Conversation is made possible through the funding support of 32 of the 39 universities plus CSIRO and several…

Welcome Michelle Grattan

For anyone still catching up on the news, Michelle Grattan is leaving The Age to take up a post as a professorial fellow at the University of Canberra and will join The Conversation as Chief Political…

Bug fixed on author dashboard: a note for contributors

An aspect of this website that many people may not be aware of is the author dashboard. This dashboard shows academic authors how often their stories are read, as well as listing any republications, recent…

A page for you

Signing in now gives you a page on The Conversation all of your own - we call it a reader profile. It’s a place where you can fill in details about yourself for other readers to see. Your profile automatically…

Comments on commenting

You may notice we’ve tweaked the way comments work on the site. These changes reflect your feedback and suggestions on how discussion can be improved. At The Conversation we take commenting seriously…