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Future news

Displaying 61 - 70 of 78 articles

AAP/Alan Porritt

Publish and be slammed!

Senator Nova Peris’ current travails around the NT News’ publication of intimate emails are a reminder to politicians and public figures everywhere that, like it or not, in today’s news culture there is…

‘It’s our ABC’

On the day that the ABC released the results of a Newspoll survey on attitudes to the corporation, managing director Mark Scott addressed students at QUT with the message, ‘It’s our ABC’! ‘Us’ being the…

No hiding place: MH17 and the media

MH17 is not the first civilian airliner to have been destroyed in flight by weapons of war. There have been accidental shoot-downs before: the Korean Airlines disaster of 1983, the Iranian Airlines shoot…

Heroes and villains

We end the week with two very different stories of journalists on trial, from two very different jurisdictions. Today in London the former editor of the News Of The World, and ex-communications director…
AAP/Hamish Hamilton

Alain de Botton – a defence

Alain de Botton divides opinion. Currently in Australia promoting his book on News: a User’s Manual, he succeeded in insulting residents of Brisbane by describing it as ‘ugly’ (a judgement which, as an…
AAP/Alan Porritt

Auditing ABC journalism – not bad, but could do better

The publication of an independent audit of ABC journalistic bias is good news for the corporation. In the face of an ongoing campaign of vilification from many in the commercial media sector, and the likelihood…
EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

The mediatisation of Madeleine McCann

It is nearly seven years since a little blonde-haired British girl named Madeleine McCann disappeared from her bedroom in a holiday resort in Portugal. Madeleine, if she is alive, would be ten years old…

The media, MMR and autism – a cautionary tale

The Sunday Times of London reports on the rapid rise of measles around the world since the 1998 controversy provoked by Dr Andrew Wakefield’s research on the link between the MMR vaccine and autism. We…