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View from The Hill

Displaying 251 - 260 of 705 articles

Peter Dutton has proven why he should not be given sole power under the government’s proposed new law to revoke the citizenship of dual nationals involved in terrorist activities. AAP/Dave Hunt

Brandis and Dutton play some dirty pool in their fight with Gillian Triggs

Last Friday, Attorney-General George Brandis and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton issued an extraordinary statement declaring that the president of the Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, needed…
Malcolm Turnbull warned against ‘bravado’ on the citizenship debate, and expounded on the rule of law and constraints on government. AAP/Lukas Coch

Turnbull argues that members of Team Australia can have different views on security issues

Malcolm Turnbull has laid down some fundamental principles for the citizenship debate in an intervention that seems driven by conviction and wanting to explain his position rather than a view to self-interest…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott reminded cabinet members of their responsibilities and the consequences of leaking, after an unusually detailed leak from cabinet. AAP/Lukas Coch

Oh lordy what a sight – a cabinet room ‘come to Jesus moment’

Tony Abbott has told his party room that in cabinet on Monday there was a “come to Jesus moment” – by which he apparently meant a moment of collective clarity.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott threw aside cabinet processes last week – and he’s been singed as a result. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Can Abbott deliver what his backbench is demanding on citizenship?

Quizzed about last week’s sensational cabinet leak, Tony Abbott says people around Parliament House want to focus on “process but the public want the government to focus on "outcomes”.
‘When you’re in the gun sights yourself, target Bill Shorten’ is a core tactic in the government’s toolkit. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Involve Brandis and Bishop, not just Dutton, in decisions on dual citizens

It’s more than a touch hilarious how the Liberals are determined to claim eventual ownership of what seems the likely endorsement of same-sex marriage by parliament later this year. If a change is made…
Bill Shorten’s gay marriage push has been described as ‘all about Bill’. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Same-sex marriage heading to cross-party bill

Some pro-gay marriage Liberals might be railing against Bill Shorten’s pre-emptive move but its effect has been to suddenly raise the prospect of common political ownership of the issue.
Joe Hockey made policy on the run when he appeared on ABC television’s Q&A. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hockey’s expensive night out

Treasurer Joe Hockey has always been wary of going on Q&A. He was right. Hockey made policy on the run on the program when he agreed that GST shouldn’t be applied to women’s sanitary products and promised…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who casts the conflict against Islamic State in terms of a crusade against evil, simplifies and sloganises it. AAP/Lukas Coch

Abbott prefers to stay on the high moral ground in a war mired in murkiness

Tony Abbott was asked on Monday whether, if the United States increased its troop numbers in the fight against Islamic State (IS) Australia would consider boosting its commitment.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is in a nasty squeeze, with Andrew Forrest, founder of Fortescue Metals Group, and some of the other smaller miners on one side, and the big producers, BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, on the other. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

War between miners catches government in the crossfire

Tony Abbott has got into a terrible tangle over whether there should be an inquiry into iron ore prices.