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View from The Hill

Displaying 291 - 300 of 705 articles

Bill Shorten is in a difficult situation with national security legislation. AAP/Lukas Coch

Shorten likely to stay glued to Abbott on national security

The national security debate, involving potentially life and death issues but heavily overlaid with politics by an embattled government, is tricky ground for the Labor opposition. Opposition leader Bill…
Tony Abbott still seems to be going backwards after heading off last week’s backbench attempt to get a spill. AAP/Nikki Short

Abbott set to ramp up national security armoury

Embattled on most fronts, Tony Abbott is switching attention to national security, with a statement on Monday week foreshadowing tougher measures. In Sunday’s weekly video, the prime minister stepped up…
In the battles within the government between now and May, Treasurer Joe Hockey will lack the degree of authority he could deploy a year ago. AAP/Lukas Coch

Hockey on the ropes: ‘I am doing the heavy lifting for my country’

The Liberals have drawn a line under the leadership issue for the moment, but this week’s unsuccessful spill motion has changed fundamentally the dynamics within the government and the party. Malcolm Turnbull…
Julie Bishop has sent a pretty clear public message about what should be done about Tony Abbott’s controversial chief of staff Peta Credlin. AAP/Mick Tsikas

After Monday’s leadership binge came Tuesday’s hangover

At Tuesday’s Coalition parties meeting, Julie Bishop declared, apparently rather theatrically: “That’s it! Leadership spills are so yesterday!” “People move on so quickly,” the Liberal deputy said. Well…
The cost of leaving Tony Abbott in the prime ministership is to consign the government to limbo while the Liberals wait to judge his performance. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Abbott’s attempt to regroup means new policy uncertainty

Tony Abbott is precariously perched on icy slopes – deeply unpopular both in the community and with his backbench. More slips and/or continued disastrous polling would plunge him to political death, while…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott needs not just to see off the spill motion. A significant dissident vote would leave him a dead leader walking. AAP/Quentin Jones

Newspoll delivers public’s indictment of Abbott as he faces Liberals’ verdict

Liberal MPs who must decide whether to spill the leadership are confronted by a Newspoll that’s truly shocking for embattled Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Labor has a massive 57-43% lead in two-party terms…
If Prime Minister Tony Abbott fends off the spill motion the size of the margin is important. AAP/Nikki Short

Liberals do a fine imitation of Labor chaos

Liberal MPs will confront a stark choice next week between propping up a deeply wounded prime minister or trying a fresh start. They know each course is fraught with big risks. With the crucial vote not…
Senator Arthur Sinodinos, John Howard’s former chief of staff, is the first major figure to throw his weight behind leadership speculation. AAP/Paul Miller

Sinodinos weighs into leadership crisis with tough critique of Abbott government

In 2001, after a disastrous Queensland election result, then-Liberal federal president Shane Stone wrote his famous memo reporting that the Howard government was seen as “mean and tricky”, out of touch…
If the Liberal leadership comes to a crunch at some point, any “no challenge” promises from Julie Bishop become meaningless. AAP/Nikki Short

Cabinet ministers back Abbott while they wonder how events might change their fortunes

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was dispatched on Tuesday night to announce there’d been unanimous support for Tony Abbott in cabinet, which is meeting for two days. “That’s a strong message, not only…