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View from The Hill

Displaying 301 - 310 of 705 articles

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s press club address was more pedestrian than inspiring. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Wounded Abbott casts his future as character test for colleagues

The Liberal Party remains volatile and Tony Abbott’s position precarious after a National Press Club performance that avoided disaster but did not convince the doubters among his followers. Abbott gave…
Queensland Premier Campbell Newman, flanked by his wife Lisa, waves to supporters after conceding he had lost his seat of Ashgrove and would be leaving politics. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Queensland vote rocks Abbott

The rout in Queensland is shocking news for Tony Abbott. It will terrify federal backbenchers and further destabilise his leadership. It puts up in lights that the unpopular federal Coalition could easily…
PUP leader Clive Palmer is looking at a potentially difficult year. AAP/Alan Porritt

The Queensland poll will test Clive Palmer’s chutzpah

When Tony Abbott was asked on Friday whether he’d consider stepping aside for Julie Bishop or Malcolm Turnbull – both of whom are more popular than he is – the Prime Minister defaulted to chutzpah. Abbott…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott still strongly supports his chief of staff Peta Credlin. AAP/Karlis Salna

What’s wrong with Team Abbott is a lot bigger than the Credlin problem

Tony Abbott’s right-hand woman Peta Credlin is in an invidious position. Not only are many Coalition figures wanting her removed, but now Rupert Murdoch says it’s her “patriotic duty” to fall on her sword…
Scott Morrison has lobbied and manoeuvred for months for an expansion or change of role. AAP/Lukas Coch

The big winner in Abbott’s reshuffle is the ambitious Scott Morrison

Tony Abbott has seized the opportunity for a significant reshuffle that he says puts “jobs and families” at the heart of his 2015 agenda, as he seeks to “reset and refocus” his battered government. The…
Tony Abbott leads a cabinet meeting earlier this year, flanked by the only woman currently in his senior ministry, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. AAPImage/Alan Porritt

Abbott should be bold with his reshuffle

Tony Abbott’s imminent ministerial reshuffle has become a serious test of the Prime Minister’s leadership. Will he wimp it, or make the most of the opportunity? Now that the Independent Commission Against…
Man Haron Monis had a history of violence and radical behaviour. AAP/Sergio Dionisio

Political leaders ask how gunman was on the loose

When Tony Abbott was asked what he’d say to people wondering how Sydney’s siege had been allowed to happen given gunman Man Haron Monis was well known to police, the Prime Minister said cabinet’s National…
Treasurer Joe Hockey has sought to make a virtue of what will be a substantial worsening of the projected deficits. AAP/Lukas Coch

Some barnacles can’t be removed in time for Christmas

Some barnacles are not, it seems, able to be removed – certainly not in time for Christmas. As the political year grinds to its end, the Prime Minister’s Office is under almost as much attack as that of…