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View from The Hill

Displaying 341 - 350 of 705 articles

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attendance at the G20 is awkward for Tony Abbott. EPA/MAXIM SHIPENKOV

Managing the elephant at the Brisbane G20

The G20 is bigger than the bad behaviour of any one country, and it would be unfortunate if the controversy over Russian president Vladimir Putin’s presence – now confirmed - were to overshadow next month’s…
Bob Katter claims aid workers who’ve been going to Africa to help with ebola are creating a risk at home. AAP/Daniel Munoz

Time for Team Australia to do more on Ebola

The way our politicians are reacting in face of the Ebola crisis ravaging West Africa casts Australia’s character as a nation in a poor light. Federal MP Bob Katter claims aid workers who’ve been going…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott wants a system to stop “hate preachers” entering Australia. AAP/Paul Miller

The debate about free speech has taken a U-turn

Suddenly, the debate about the need for freer speech has transformed into one about the limits that should be imposed on speech. And key allies of Tony Abbott in the earlier argument have become critics…
Vladimir and Evdokia Petrov’s defection was ASIO’s big counter-espionage success of the cold war. Supplied

ASIO history: chasing Russian spies and local communists

Recently ASIO has taken on a quite public face in the discussion about fighting terrorism. Its immediate past chief, David Irvine, and its new head, Duncan Lewis, have appeared at ministerial news conferences…
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he finds the burqa “fairly confronting”. AAP/Alan Porritt

Abbott fans the burqa debate he was trying to cool

A friend of mine bought a burqa when we were travelling in Afghanistan in 2002. She’s worn it perhaps once at drinks in Parliament House – before the garment became an issue - though not, as far as I am…
PUP leader Clive Palmer has a long running feud with the Newman government. AAP/Lukas Coch

How far can Palmer’s Newman government inquiry probe?

The Senate has set up an extraordinarily broad inquiry into the Queensland government, in another demonstration of Clive Palmer’s power and his determination to pursue state premier Campbell Newman. It…