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View from The Hill

Displaying 401 - 410 of 705 articles

The day when the backbencher said No Minister

It was quite a spectacle, when Liberal backbencher Ian Macdonald gave Mathias Cormann a viva voce in the Senate over the budget’s debt levy legislation – and then bluntly told the Finance Minister he’d…

Dissident backbenchers: a bipartisan problem

In Canberra the Ides of March has recently come in June, soon after the Press Gallery’s Midwinter Ball and at the end of the parliamentary session. Kevin Rudd was deposed in late June 2010; Julia Gillard…

John Howard and Bob Hawke find a lot to agree on

With today’s political protagonists so scripted and shouty, the appearance of former prime ministers Bob Hawke and John Howard to mark the National Press Club’s 50th anniversary provided a refreshing “conversation…