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La Trobe University

For more than 50 years, La Trobe University has been transforming people and societies and has earned a global reputation for research that addresses the major issues of our time. With a dual emphasis on excellence and diversity, La Trobe has seven campuses across Victoria and New South Wales. Through innovations in teaching and learning, strong graduate employment outcomes and leading research, La Trobe consistently rates among the world’s best.


Displaying 1381 - 1400 of 1718 articles

What’s on the agenda in our final pre-election podcast? AAP/Alan Porritt

Election 2013 Podcast: Dennis Altman, Marilyn Lake

Welcome to the fifth of The Conversation’s Election 2013 podcasts. Each week The Conversation will be sitting down with Australia’s top political minds to discuss all things election as we gear up for…
Preference deals and a propensity for people to vote ‘above the line’ gives microparties like Rise Up Australia a greater chance of being elected to the Senate. AAP/Julian Smith

Explainer: how does the Senate voting system work?

The record large Senate ballot papers have probably already annoyed many early voters. Their great length - over a metre in NSW and Victoria – will soon annoy many more voters. However, the real annoyance…
The number of drinks consumed in a single session by Australia’s heaviest drinkers may be on the rise. Watermelon Henry

Most Australians drinking less but heaviest drinkers boozing more

The proportion of Australians drinking 20 or more standard drinks in a single session has grown in the last decade, and the amount the heaviest drinkers are consuming annually is also on the rise, a new…
Industry insiders spoke of how mainstream porn has moved from being ‘lovey dovey’ in the mid-1990s to rough and aggressive. Cher Amio/Flickr

Aggressive and debasing: the real issues in porn debates

It’s a well-worn political trick that you caricature and call your opponents names when you don’t want to engage with the substance of their claims. In debates about porn, pornography advocates often seek…
Will the real Kevin Rudd please stand up? AAP/Lukas Coch

Sunrise Kevin and Egomaniacal Kevin: the two Rudds

There are two Kevin Rudds. One is the energetic ideas man, the promising new face of the Australian Labor Party who might just be the party’s saviour. “I’m Kevin, I’m from Queensland and I’m here to help…
Feeding starving wild animals could lead to domestication: is that adding insult to the injury of taking their habitat? EPA/Jenny E. Ross

Wild animals are starving, and it’s our fault, so should we feed them?

As polar bears begin to die of starvation in a warming Arctic, should we be feeding them? What are the ethical implications of feeding wild animals brought to this point by human actions? A polar bear…

Are you psyched for Science Week? If not, read this

This is National Science Week in Australia. I know this because I am a scientist who lives with a science teacher, so we have conversations like , “What are you going to do for science week?” “Oh, gosh…
The last few years in Australian politics have seen the rise of a new definition of ‘lying’. AAP/Lukas Coch

Redefining the lie: politics and porkies

Lie (v.) (1) To make a politically unpopular statement; (2) [retrospectively applied] To make a statement which appears inconsistent with a more recent statement, indicating that its maker has changed…
The ALP’s re-election chances hinge on the results in a number of marginal seats across Australia. AAP/Dave Hunt

By the seat of their pants: can Labor squeak it?

If the polls are accurate and Labor is almost at level pegging with the Coalition, it would seem we are in for a repeat of the very close election of 2010. But for various reasons this is not necessarily…
Karratha in Western Australia, the capital of the mining boom. Is Australia simply the world’s quarry with nice beaches? AAP/Suree Pritchard

Election 2013 Issues: Australia and the world

Welcome to the first of The Conversation Election 2013 State of the Nation essays. These articles by leading experts in their field provide an in-depth look at the key policy challenges affecting Australia…
Historically, the Church provided a safe-haven for same-sex attracted men. Victor van der Horst

Inside the stained-glass closet: exploring holy homophobia

Pope Francis made conciliatory overtures to gay Catholics in a wide-ranging press conference on Monday. His comments made headlines around the world and indicate a change in attitude to closeted priests…
A monument to a sex worker in Amsterdam. Is it time the media discourse around sex workers in society changed? mo's

Dehumanising sex workers: what’s ‘prostitute’ got to do with it?

Melbourne sex worker Tracy Connelly was brutally murdered in her van last week. In a sad irony, Connelly was killed metres from where sex workers and their allies demonstrated their support for a global…
Tragedy: But all the facts are needed before finger of blame is pointed. Contando Estrelas

Sophisticated system intended to keep high-speed rail safe

A nation that was fiercely proud of its rail system is in mourning, following the worst train disaster seen in Spain for more than 70 years. A high-speed RENFE train derailed as it approached the northern…
The Australian government appears to be contemplating signing a version of the agreement that would restrict its power to apply strong health warnings to alcohol products. camknows/Flickr

Trans-Pacific Partnership rules could block alcohol warnings

New rules for alcohol labelling were discussed in Malaysia earlier this week by countries negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The proposed rules could stymie the introduction of effective health…
Asylum seekers coming by boat to Australia is on the increase but do they make up 20% of our migration program?

FactCheck: are boat people now 20% of our immigration program?

“The numbers have spiked. Twenty per cent of Australia’s immigration program now comes to our shores courtesy of people smugglers… You’re dealing with a very different situation when you’ve got what could…
After years of grappling with asylum seeker policy, Kevin Rudd has announced that boat arrivals without visas will now be resettled in PNG. AAP/Dan Peled

Australia and asylum seekers: where do the Rudd reforms leave us?

Most Australians will judge Kevin Rudd’s newly announced plan to deny asylum seekers who arrive by boat the right to settle in Australia to be a success if it leads to a reduction in the number of boat…


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