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Articles on Australia

Displaying 121 - 140 of 640 articles

Researchers discovered five new species of black corals, including this Hexapathes bikofskii growing out of a nautilus shell more than 2,500 feet (760 meters) below the surface. Jeremy Horowitz

Scientists discover five new species of black corals living thousands of feet below the ocean surface near the Great Barrier Reef

Black corals provide critical habitat for many creatures that live in the dark, often barren, deep sea, and researchers are learning more about these rare corals with every dive.
Wayne Lawler / Australian Wildlife Conservancy / AAP

Australia has hundreds of mammal species. We want to find them all – before they’re gone

A new list of 404 Australian mammal species is a crucial conservation step in the face of the ongoing extinction crisis.
Activists hold slogans as they protest against Chinese aggression in the South China Sea outside the Chinese consulate in Makati, Philippines in November 2021. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

As China flexes its muscles in the Indo-Pacific, Canada and Australia must step up

China is posing many challenges to the Indo-Pacific region in 2022. How should Canada and Australia respond?

The 2021 Australian census in 8 charts

A growing, more diverse population, less religion, more First Nations people and a picture of the long-term health of Australians. But who’s doing the housework?
A military officer salutes during a parade to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of Communist China in Beijing. Mark Schiefelbein/AP

Friday essay: if growing US-China rivalry leads to ‘the worst war ever’, what should Australia do?

Hugh White warns of a potential war between the US and China, drawing lessons from the first and second world wars to explore how Australia might respond to such a conflict – and where to draw a line.

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