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Articles on Psychology

Displaying 1341 - 1360 of 1854 articles

Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry flexes during a preseason game against the Los Angeles Lakers. USA Today Sports/Reuters

Why sports fans need villains

Many decry ‘superteams’ like the NBA’s Golden State Warriors as bad for the sport. But psychology research shows that they also make us more likely to watch – and bask in the joy of seeing them fail.
Don’t feel bitter, but that story you read about gin was probably wrong. Igor Normann/

No, enjoying a gin and tonic doesn’t mean you’re a psychopath

Claims that gin lovers are more likely to be psychopaths are just another case of science media misreporting - which should be a tonic to any tipplers who were worried by the news.
Bonobo Jasongo at Leipzig Zoo has a hunch about what you’re thinking. MPI-EVA

Can great apes read your mind?

Realizing that others’ minds hold different thoughts, feelings and knowledge than your own was thought to be something only people could do. But evidence is accumulating that apes, too, have ‘theory of mind.’
Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. 'Clowns' via

The psychology behind why clowns creep us out

Random clown sightings don’t make everyone laugh. A psychologist who has studied creepiness explains why clowns are especially adept at making us squirm.

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