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I am a marine biologist with a research focus on understanding the influence of climate change and other human impacts on fish and fisheries.

I grew up in the UK and have always had an interest in science and the natural world. I studied for my BSc in Zoology at the University of Sheffield in the UK, and it was there, in that unlikely land-locked city that I discovered my passion for the marine realm! I was an active member of the university sub-aqua club and spend spent every spare weekend and holiday under water.

After completing my undergraduate degree I spent a number of years gaining experience of marine biology - I worked for an NGO in the Caribbean, and a research assistant in French Polynesia before finally undertaking my PhD at Imperial College London (from 2007 - 2011), studying the population dynamics of a Caribbean Sea urchin.

Following my PhD, I spent five and a half years at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, undertaking two post-docs where my research focussed on understanding how coral reef degradation would impact the fisheries upon which so many people rely.

In 2018 I joined Te Herenga Waka as a lecturer in fisheries science and my research has expanded to understanding the impacts of climate change on coastal fish and fisheries, deep sea fisheries and of course, the importance and role of mesophotic ecosystems in supporting our fisheries.


  • 2018–present
    Lecturer in Marine Biology, Te Herenga Waka, Victoria University of Wellington