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Andrea Phillipou

Principal Research Fellow in Eating Disorders, The University of Melbourne

Andrea Phillipou is an Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow in Eating Disorders at Orygen and The Centre for Youth Mental Health at The University of Melbourne. She is the Head of Eating Disorders Research and leads the Scientific Work in Anorexia Nervosa & Other Eating Disorders (SWAN) Research Group.

Andrea also leads the Body Image & Eating Disorders Research Portfolio at St Vincent's Hospital, and holds honorary positions in the psychiatry departments at St Vincent's and Austin Hospitals, as well as an adjunct position as Associate Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Swinburne University. She also sits on the board of directors for Eating Disorders Families Australia (EDFA).

Andrea’s research spans across many areas of mental health and neuroscience, but is focused predominantly on improving the lives of people with anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders. Her research uses comprehensive neurobiological, biological, psychological and sociocultural (neuro-bio-psycho-social) methods and is focused predominantly on three distinct but related streams:

1- Understanding the factors and mechanisms involved in the development and maintenance of eating disorders,
2- Developing tools (e.g. biomarkers) that can be used for more accurate diagnosis, early intervention and prevention, and
3- Developing more effective interventions and treatments, and improving clinical services and support programs for people with eating disorders (and their supports) across the continuum of care.

Find out more about Andrea's research here:


  • –present
    Senior Research Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology


  • 2015 
    The University of Melbourne, PhD