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Professor of Older People and Care, University of Sheffield

I am currently Professor of Older People and Care in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Sheffield. Prior to this post I have had many years of experience conducting and applying research into healthcare. I have extensive academic, research, managerial and strategic experience gained from within both healthcare and University sectors. My academic background is in qualitative research in stand alone or mixed methods studies. I have an interest in accessing health care, public health and health inequalities, and patient experience research.
I am the Co-director of the Mesothelioma UK Research Center at the University of Sheffield.
My clinical background is nursing and I have an interest in evidencing the value of nursing practice, as well as the impact of nursing on patients and wider society. I have a proven track record of delivering academic results including obtaining funding for, delivering, disseminating and applying a mixed portfolio of creative and high quality research of an International standard.

I have a legacy of research capacity building, working in and across settings and I am committed to developing evidence based healthcare practice.