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Anna-Marie Linnell

PhD candidate, University of Exeter

My PhD thesis examines the representation of the royal consorts in English succession fiction, covering the period 1603-1702. This research is funded by the AHRC Stuart Successions Project, an interdisciplinary initiative between Exeter University and the University of Oxford.

I have been based at Exeter University since starting my undergraduate degree here in 2008. Having completed this programme with First class honours and a Department Commendation, I began my MA in English Studies (Renaissance) in 2011. I was then offered a studentship under the supervision of Professor Andrew McRae and Dr Paulina Kewes, which commenced in September 2012.

As part of the Exeter English department, I have taught on the Level One Shakespeare module and am this year teaching critical theory. With a colleague in the history department, Edward Taylor, I co-founded and led the Exeter Early Modern Graduate reading group. I also ran a RCUK funded collaborative research and impact project, named 'Staging Exeter', alongside Nora Williams and Callan Davies. 'Staging Exeter' worked with local dramatists and students to uncover the city's rich theatrical history and put it back on stage.


  • –present
    PhD candidate, University of Exeter