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Annick Thomassin

Annick has over 17-year experience in the field of social anthropology and political ecology working across a range of topics including coastal resources (co)-management, Indigenous fisheries and environmental stewardship practices, Indigenous economic perspectives, Indigenous-settler state relations, intersection of Indigenous and Western ontologies, and conceptualisations of sovereignty. Over these years, She has worked closely with Indigenous partners to assemble methodologies and methods informed by Indigenous perspectives and privileging two-way knowledge exchanges. Most of her work and studies so far have been focused on the Australian, Canadian and Vietnamese contexts.

Her doctoral research explored how specific standpoints on marine territories ownership, resource management and economic development informing fisheries management structure impede genuine dialogues and collaborations between the Torres Strait Islanders and the Commonwealth government in Australia.

She is currently the primary investigator of Environmental Stewardship Resurgence in Walbanga Country, a grassroots research-action project which focuses on the restoration and maintenance of Indigenous environmental stewardship and life projects in urban and peri-urban spaces (Mogo, New South Wales, Australia).


  • –present
    Research Fellow, Australian National University


  • 2019 
    McGill University, PhD (anthropology)