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Anyse Sofia Fernandes Pereira Essoh

PhD Student Tropical Knowledge and Managment at Nova SBE (specializes in genetics and agrobiotechnology), Nova School of Business and Economics

I have a degree in Molecular Genetics and Biomedicine and Genetics from New University of Lisbon (UNL-FCT) and I am now pursuing my PhD in Tropical Knowledge and Managment (Nova SBE) and my research is focused in projects regarding valorization of genetic resources and validation of african traditional medicine (phytomedicine and phytopharmacy). I am the NEF ambassador of Cabo Verde for the years 2020-2021, in the scope of the Pan African program Next Einstein Forum.


  • –present
    PhD Student Tropical Knowledge and Managment at Nova SBE (specializes in genetics and agrobiotechnology), Nova School of Business and Economics


  • 2016 
    New University of Lisbon - Faculty of science and technology, Mater in Molecular genetics and Biomedicine