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Brian Anthony Keeling

Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology, Binghamton University, State University of New York

I am a doctoral candidate studying paleoanthropology at (SUNY) Binghamton University in New York with a primary research focus on why our own species and the Neandertals evolved. My research has focused on the mandible bone to identify prehistoric human species and also make inferences on how factors of behavior, diet, and climate can influence the morphology of this bone through evolutionary time. My research interests are in human paleobiology, evolutionary morphology, and mandibular biomechanics.


  • –present
    Doctoral Candidate, Binghamton University, State University of New York


  • 2020 
    (SUNY) Binghamton University, Master of Art in Anthropology
  • 2018 
    Illinois State University , Bachelor of Science in Anthropology


  • 2023
    Reassessment of the human mandible from Banyoles (Girona, Spain), Journal of Human Evolution