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Carol Wagstaff

Research Dean for Agriculture, Food and Health, University of Reading

Carol was appointed as Assistant Professor at University of Reading in January 2007 and promoted to Professor of Crop Quality for Health in 2017. Carol is presently Research Dean for Agriculture Food and Health and was a member of the Agriculture Food and Veterinary Science Unit of Assessment panel for REF2021. Carol leads a research group that takes a food-system wide approach to improving the quality of fresh produce and ensuring that everyone has access to it. She directs FoodSEqual, one of four projects funded as part of a £47.5 million investment by government into transforming the UK food system, which aims to co-produce healthy, sustainable food systems for disadvantaged communities.

When not supporting academic research Carol can most likely be found training and competing her dressage horses, or nurturing her garden and discovering just how difficult it is to try to grow your own food.


  • 2017–2023
    Professor of Crop Quality for Health, University of Reading
  • 2021–2023
    Research Dean for Agriculture, Food and Health, University of Reading