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Postdoctoral Fellow, Nuclear Engineer, CSIRO

I’m interested in all things radioactive and nuclear. I received my B.S., M.S. and PhD in Nuclear Engineering in my home country, the United States. During that time, I had the opportunity to study and operate particle accelerators, nuclear reactors and some powerful radioisotope sources which I used for my research. I defended my doctoral thesis at the University of Maryland – College Park in 2010, in which I investigated the use of ionizing radiation to synthesize fabrics which extract uranium from seawater. I completed my first postdoctoral fellowship at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration where I used similar radiation-producing machines to study the degradation of materials used in medical implants. I am currently completing a postdoctoral fellowship with CSIRO Mineral Resources designing high-power x-ray facilities for Australia’s gold mining industry.


  • –present
    Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIRO