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Program Administrator, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University

Charles Simpson provides organization to RIT, developing the project’s methodology; selecting and managing case studies; developing and maintaining RIT's connections with researchers, participants, and experts in the field; and analyzing and disseminating RIT's findings.

In addition to organizational capacity, Mr. Simpson brings to RIT expertise in social resilience, migration policy, urban studies, and qualitative field research from prior work as Assistant Director of the Boston Consortium for Arab Region Studies (BCARS), a Carnegie Corporation project.

In this role, Mr. Simpson managed policy analysis, field research teams, workshops, and conferences on the Syrian refugee crisis in the Middle East, Turkey, the Balkans, the E.U., and the U.S., collaborating with the UNHCR, U.S. Department of State, European Commission, local and national governments, and universities and think tanks around the world. Mr. Simpson holds an M.S. in security and resilience studies, Summa Cum Laude, and a B.A. in international affairs, Magna Cum Laude, from Northeastern University.


  • –present
    Program Administrator, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University