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Cheryl Anne Jones

Professor of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne

Professor Cheryl Jones is the Executive Director of the NHMRC accredited AHRTC- Melbourne Academic Centre for Health (MACH), the Stevenson Chair of Paediatrics and Department Head at the University of Melbourne, an infectious diseases physician at Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne and an internationally recognised research leader in childhood infectious diseases, particularly emerging infectious diseases of the brain in children, and vertically transmitted infections. She leads the Brain infection group at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and the Australian Childhood Encephalitis (ACE) study She has earned >25 million in peer reviewed funding including three NHRMC Centres for Research excellence, most recently NHMRC CRE in protecting the public against emerging infectious diseases (CREID). She is immediate past President of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID), and advocates for national action to reduce antimicrobial resistance including reducing misuse of antimicrobials.