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Christopher Fernandez-Prada

Assistant professor at Université de Montréal (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences); Head of the animal parasitology diagnostic laboratory of UdeM; Adjunct professor McGill University (Faculty of Medicine), Université de Montréal

Christopher Fernandez-Prada, DVM, MSc, PhD is a molecular parasitology researcher devoted to tackling zoonotic parasites. Dr. Fernandez-Prada holds an assistant professor position at Université de Montréal - Veterinary College. He is adjunct professor at McGill University, and Director of the Parasitology Diagnostic Lab of University of Montreal. His research is focused in the discovery of drug-resistance mechanisms, and the development of diagnostic tests and vaccines.


  • –present
    Assistant professor University of Montréal (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences); Adjunct professor McGill University (Faculty of Medicine), Université de Montréal


  • 2013 
    University of Leon (Spain), Ph.D. / Molecular parasitology