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Christopher M Fisher

Associate Profressor in Young Peoples Sexual Health & Sex Education, Victoria University

Associate Professor Christopher M. Fisher works in the areas of Sexual and Public Health. He maintains an Adjunct Associate Professor role at University of Nebraska Medical Center and as Director Emeritus of the Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaborative. Dr. Fisher has held previous appointments at Curtin University as a Senior Lecturer in Health Promotion and researcher with the Collaborative for Evidence, Research, and Impact in Public Health (CERIPH), University of Nebraska Medical Center as an Assistant Professor in Health Promotion, Social & Behavioral Health, Indiana University as an Associate Instructor in Applied Health Sciences and Research Coordinator for the Center for Sexual Health Promotion, and at San Francisco State University as an Instructor in Human Sexuality.

Christopher takes a leading role in research on young peoples sexual health and wellbeing. A major focus of the work is on adolescent sex education and it's role in increasing scientiically accurate non-judgemental knowledge, promoting healthy sexual behaviours, and being developmentally appropriate and affirming. His work extends beyond traditional in-school sex education to include the sexual literacy of the general adult population and their ability to provide accurate information to young people. Previous work has also looked at the role of youth development professionals in Non-Govermental Organisations (e.g., youth groups) in providing sexual health information. He has also conducted population-based research in LGBTIQ health and HIV prevention and care. Christopher uses a diverse range of methods for asking and answering empirical and theoretical questions including a range of statsitcial analysis techinques, qualitative methods, and community-based participatory research approaches.


  • –present
    Associate Profressor in Young Peoples Sexual Health & Sex Education, La Trobe University


  • 2009 
    Indiana University, PhD