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Senior Lecturer in Māori Studies, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau

For many years mātauranga Māori had been considered incompatible with science, mainly because of the inclusion of holistic and spiritual components in the former. After training as a Geologist, I now practice Earth Systems Science, predominantly on community driven and participatory projects including: marine spatial planning; environmental management plans; natural resource use and management; natural hazards, disaster risk reduction, resilience; and industrial waste-site rehabilitation.
Specialties: Integrating Mātauranga Māori with science; Earth Systems Science; Natural Hazards & Disasters; Decision-Making Frameworks; Geothermal Geology; Coastal Geomorphology; Economy and Innovation.
The key question of my research is: What can the weaving of Mātauranga and Science contribute to our understanding? The methods I employ are consistent with Kaupapa Māori paradigm, method and methodology, and I have worked primarily with Māori communities to realize their dreams and help solve their issues. My present research projects include: Te Awaroa – Voice of the River & Indigenous Theory of Value (Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga); Blue Economy & Whai Rawa, Whai Mana, Whai Oranga (Sustainable Seas), Marae Resilience & Role of Mātauranga in Disaster Resilience (Resilience to Natures Challenges), Māori and the Extractive Industries & (MBIE), Kaitiakitanga and Conservation (Te Pūnaha Matatini).
I assisted the Environmental Defence Society with their NZ Law Society funded project that re-imagined the Resource Management Act.
I lead the national conversation on weaving together mātauranga and science and am deeply committed to addressing our most challenging issues, actively shaping, modelling and setting best practice for mātauranga and science communication in Aotearoa New Zealand.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland


  • 2005 
    University of Auckland, Doctorate