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Blackwell Law and Society Chair at Cardiff University School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University

I am the Blackwell Law and Society Chair at Cardiff University School of Law and Politics, where I work in the School’s Wales Governance Centre. I direct the Economic and Social Research Council’s Governance after Brexit Research Programme and serve as Research Director of the ESRC UK in a Changing Europe initiative, which is based at King’s College, London. In these roles I direct and co-ordinate over 30 individual ESRC research projects.

I am a political scientist and policy analyst by background, and have developed wide-ranging research interests and an enthusiasm for working across disciplines (politics, law, socio-legal studies, social and public policy). I am a Fellow of the Centre on Constituitonal Change at the University of Edinburgh where I have held an Honorary Professorial Fellowship in the School of Social and Political Sciences. I am a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales.

Becoming Head of Cardiff Law School in 2013, I then led the merger of Law with the University's Department of Politics and International Relations during 2013/14. As Head of the Cardiff University School of Law and Politics, I designed and implemented a transformative expansion of the School's work in the field of International Relations - under his leadership 18 new members of staff at all levels were appointed during 2015.

I am a member of the ESRC's Strategic Advisory Network, having previously served on its Research Committee. I have been a member of the Management group of the Wales ESRC Doctoral Training Centre. I am a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Law and Society. Previously, I have been Editor of the Journal of Common Market Studies.


  • –present
    Blackwell Law and Society Chair at Cardiff University School of Law and Politics, Cardiff