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Senior Research Fellow, UniSA Business, University of South Australia

I am a social / human geographer working in the areas of housing and ageing, health, age care, social participation and well-being of older people and the housing of at risk groups in the community including people with a disability, the homeless and women. My research plays a role in raising awareness of the issues confronting these groups in society, and identifying the inequities and conflicts within policy arenas.

I have a long history of working collaboratively with a range of organisations and stakeholders in the co-design and ongoing progress of projects. I have strong research leadership and project management skills covering short intensive projects and complex, large scale multi-year projects involving numerous stakeholders. I have completed work on a number of Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) projects as well as projects for a range of Commonwealth and State government departments, local government, and non-government organisations.


  • –present
    Senior Research Fellow, UniSA Business, University of South Australia