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PhD Candidate and Graduate Teaching Associate, Oklahoma State University

Dhruba is a Ph.D. candidate at Oklahoma State University. She completed her Master's in Sociology in 2017 from Oklahoma State University.
Her research focuses on religious nationalism, social movements, group identity, and group processes. Her dissertation research is an oral history project investigating recent structural changes in citizenship laws in India, citizenship politics, and citizen identity. She is currently working on a project that examines narratives of 'Love Jihad' and the portrayal of Hindu women within Hindu nationalist discourse. She is also working on an oral history project focused on foodways among the international student community in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Dhruba's research has been published in journals such as Sociological Forum, Sociology of Education, Socius, and Sociology Compass.


  • –present
    PhD Candidate and Graduate Teaching Associate, Oklahoma State University


  • 2017 
    Oklahoma State University, M.S.