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Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wesleyan University

I am broadly engaged with moral theory, and more specifically with the relationship between moral ideals and the activity of criticism. Bringing a broadly pragmatist account of judgment and communication to bear on moral discourse, I show how the challenges of moral criticism require us to rethink some standard assumptions in moral theory. I am also interested in moral responsibility, the consequences of human social embodiment, and interpretive questions about how to understand actions that we oppose. My recent work has turned to moral change, especially how moral priorities shift to encompass social justice and ecological concerns.


  • 2012–present
    Associate professor, Wesleyan University
  • 2003–2012
    Assistant professor, Wesleyan University
  • 2001–2003
    Visiting assistant professor, Hartwick College
  • 2000–2001
    Visiting assistant professor, Syracuse University


  • 2000 
    University of Connecticut, Ph.D.