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Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau

I am a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy with a mixed background in philosophy and biology. Before coming to New Zealand I grew up in Seattle, got my BA at Reed College, worked for a synthetic biology company in Italy, and completed my PhD at the University of Pennsylvania.

My research areas include the philosophy of biology, general philosophy of science, bioethics and environmental ethics. A lot of my work focuses on experimental microbiology and other areas of inquiry that challenge our ideas about life and its simplest forms. My current research projects focus on philosophical issues in microbiome research, scientific modelling, astrobiology, conservation biology, and the interface of scientific and indigenous knowledge.

I’m an Associate Editor at the journal Biology & Philosophy, a member of the executive committee of Te Ao Mārama—Centre for Fundamental Inquiry, and PhD Adviser for Philosophy.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Auckland