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Director, Resilient and Sustainable Islands Initiative at the ODI, and Co-director, Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus

Emily is Co-director of the Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network, UWI-Mona Campus and taught the Caribbean Small States and Disaster Diplomacy course at The Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean, UWI-St Augustine Campus.

She is also a Senior Research Fellow at ODI (formerly the Overseas Development Institute) in the Global Risks and Resilience Programme. Emily has 25 years’ experience as a researcher, analyst, journalist, lecturer and adviser to government, providing critical analysis and leading debate on resilience, sustainable development, climate change adaptation and risk governance. Here current work focuses on sustaining development in Small-Island Developing States (SIDS) in the context of climate change.

Emily is Chief Scientific Adviser to the Climate Resilience Agency for Dominica (CREAD), supporting the nation’s ambition to become the first climate resilient country in the world; and is Director of the global advisory network Resilient and Sustainable Islands (RESI). Emily has a PhD in Human Geography from University College London (UCL).


  • –present
    Co-director, Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus