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Postgraduate Researcher, Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience, Coventry University

Emma is a postgraduate researcher at Coventry University's Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience. Her research focuses on self-organisation and resilience in localised agri-food systems. She is also exploring game theoretical approaches to better understand cooperation and competition in the local food landscape.

Emma's experiences are deeply rooted in Oxford's food scene. In 2012, along with four others, she co-founded Cultivate, a cooperative social enterprise that works to produce and distribute more local food within Oxfordshire, and to help the community get involved in food-related issues and solutions. She has an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management from Oxford University.


  • 2019–present
    Doctoral Student, Coventry University


  • 2010 
    University of Oxford, MSc