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Professor of Childhood Studies, Cardiff University

Emma Renold is Professor in Childhood Studies at the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University. She is the author of ‘Girls, Boys and Junior Sexualities’ (2005), Children, Sexuality and Sexualisation’ (with Ringrose and Egan, 2015) Young people and Gender & Sexuality Activism (forthcoming, with Ringrose) and the co-editor of the ‘Routledge Critical Studies in Gender and Sexuality in Education’.

Emma's research, engagement and activism explores how gender and sexuality intra-act and come to matter in children and young people’s everyday lives across diverse sites, spaces and locales. Recent projects (see explore the affordances of co-productive, creative and affective methodologies to engage social and political change on young people’s experiences of gendered and sexual violence.

Emma has recently co-produced with young people the online bi-lingual resource AGENDA: A Young People's Guide to Making Positive Relationships Matter (Renold 2016, see and is chairing the Welsh Government's expert panel on the Healthy Relationships Curriculum in Wales.


  • –present
    Professor of Childhood Studies, Cardiff University