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Reader in Performance, University of Portsmouth

I am a scholar of political performance, youth, and community. I look at the ways in which narratives in performance say much about societal norms.

I am Reader and Academic Lead for Performance in the School of Art, Design and Performance at the University of Portsmouth. My global research and creative work sit at the intersection of memory, history, and performance. My scholarship and practice research have been supported by grants from Innovate UK (in collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company), the US State Department (in collaboration with Kinnaird College for Women University in Lahore, Pakistan), and fellowships at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Bonn, the Technical University of Berlin, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

In addition to traditional scholarship, I also work in Practice Research and as a freelance director of theatre. My work as a director has been seen on stages in Germany, Israel, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Pakistan.


  • –present
    Academic Lead in Performance, University of Portsmouth


  • 2009 
    University of Wisconsin, Theatre and Drama