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Senior Lecturer in Work Psychology, Loughborough University

Eva Selenko is a Senior Lecturer at the Work and Organisation group at Loughborough University's School of Business and Economics. She holds an MSc in Social and Organisational Psychology from the University of Groningen, NL, a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Graz and was awarded a Habilitation at the University of Linz (both: Austria).

Eva’s research interests centre on precarious employment situations and how these affect well-being, performance and non-work related behaviour. Work is part of who we are, but what happens to our identity if work becomes insecure, difficult to get or changes dramatically?
In her research she aims to apply psychological theories to the understanding of employment related issues.

Eva is a member of several national and international bodies (e.g.EAWOP, the German DGPS, CIPD…) and also serves as associate editor for Applied Psychology: An International Review (ABS list ranked 3). She is also a Fellow of the RSA.


  • –present
    Senior Lecturer in Work Psychology, Loughborough University


  • 2008 
    University of Graz, Austria, Doctorate in Psychology


Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce